Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Interative Maps

I looked at a couple of sites that came up in a search for interactive maps, the first map was a children’s map. It was a simple map that showed the states in different colors and when the cursor was scrolled over a state, lake or ocean it would display its name. For states it would also display the capital city of that state. I found it useful for children so they could learn the states names and capitals by scrolling over them in an order they wanted, which means they do not have to stare at a static piece of paper. The website was
The next interactive map used the google map engine to mark areas where botched police raids happened and innocents were hurt or killed. The site allowed the user to zoom in on certain areas to see more of them since some were grouped together. Once a tab was selected it would give information on what happened and the sources it came from. It is interesting to note from the articles that they pulled up where all from 2000 or 2001, so some of the information is out of date. That website was
The next interactive map that I found interesting was from the CNN interactive website. These maps allowed a user to look at front lines during WWII and cold war lines that were drawn afterwards. It also had maps on other wars that gave information about important events and front line movement. The only problem is that the back function would sometimes take awhile to go back because some of the links would take you forward and would require multiple back button presses to get back to the main menu. That website was

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