Thursday, February 8, 2007

False Map

This map that I found on the Delamare Libraries website for historical maps for Virginia City displays a claim map that has been redone to include the Sutro Tunnel. As you an see in the map there is a picture at the bottom that displays the Sutro Tunnel entrance prominently and on the top the mines that make up the Comstock mining district. The original map that this one is based on had no picture at the bottom and at the top had a mine depth chart that showed the approximate depth of the mines at the time the map was made. The previous map to this one was, to me, useful and had a purpose. But the above maps purpose is an advertisement for the Sutro Tunnel.
The drawings at the top of this map replaced the mine depth chart that had been originally there, making it hard for a person to tell what the current depth of the mines where without doing some research. The reason that they replaced the mine depth hart is so that people that invested in the tunnel did not see that the mines were fast approaching the point where the tunnel would come in and eventually surpass the tunnels depth. Although the tunnel was useful in that the pumps did not have to pump the water to the surface; they only had to pump it to the beginning of the tunnel. But the fact that this map takes away an important part of the previous map and replaces it with a drawing of the mines and where they are lessen its appeal to me.
But I do have to say that it probably helped sell the Sutro Tunnel, given the fact that investors like nice pretty graphics and pictures to look at which makes it easier to sell them an idea. Without this map I am sure the Sutro Tunnel would have been a harder sell, given that the investors would not be able to see what Sutro had planned. But the fact that it is not really a new map, just a fancied up version of an older map that was much more interesting to me makes this map a truly false map.

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