Thursday, May 3, 2007

3-D Cartography

3-D Cartography is a great way to help people get around, but the current limitations of on board GPS navigation systems does not allow the use of a 3-D graphics engine. I have heard that within about 5 to 10 years that vechiles will come with computers powerful enough to display a 3-D map. So the technology is coming and right now we just need to perfect the current cartographic technology. So when cars do have powerful computers within them they will be better able to take advantage 3-D maps.
The current GPS navigation systems have their flaws in that they have simple maps to convey where the person is. One problem is that since they are so simple people often listen to the voice and not look at the map. This leads them into restaurants, rivers and, literally, dead ends. 3-D cartography would help alleviate the drivers need to rely on the voice of the GPS system because they could look at it and see where they are on the ground through the use of remote sensing and GPS. Now that the person could see that the systems is leading them towards an in movable object or a nice big river, they can take the steps needed to avoid disaster. Of course this type of system cannot do anything to stop someone with the idiot gene, but it would help those trying to see where they are going before the actually go that direction.
Also by looking at a 3-D map before you go to said destination is always a good decision. On my recent trip to San Fransisco I was able to see buildings and such before I even drove into the city. Although this system was unable to exactly duplicate how crowded the streets and how tall the buildings were. But nevertheless I found my destination right off the bat, but did not realize it due to funky lighting conditions, but I swung around the block and got back to where I was supposed to be.

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