Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Old Map/New Map

This old 1868 map of Reno has seen better times, but at least it is still around in a large chunk. This map gives you a good of the center of town just across the Truckee River, but is missing a piece of the upper left and the right side past the Reno name. I thought this map put all of the buildings and streets in a nice classic square that is easy to see. The buildings have first of all letters then numbers, which means this was part of a larger series of maps. I thought it was interesting how stylized the Reno name was on this map, something not often seen on a map that was probably updated every year or so since this was made during the Comstock Boom. Also in the upper right remnants of the drawings of the buildings can still be seen, but the numbers and letters have worn off, making it seem like an unfinished product instead of worn.
The newer image is from Google Earth with the street layer turned on. I tried to zoom to the same height to get the shot to make them sort of match up, but found that the google image would not size right. Anyway you can see how the older map differs from the new satellite photo of the same area. An interesting note is that the cartography from the 1868 made the Truckee River seem like the Mississippi River just from the size he drew! In the older map you can also see the old ditch that used to supply water to someones ranch or farm. This is interesting since that the area where it would be on Google is now paved over with streets and houses. Now I don't know if it is a change in the river or the cartographer didn't get the shape right but it seems that the shape of the river has changed since 1868. this can be seen from the old map to the Google map.

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